I spent some time with Chris Brooks and his wife Sally who recently bought a Kubota L4600 tractor.
Winding down through the valley to Chris and Sally’s house South of Penguin, I started to get a picture of why Chris has spent his whole life living in this area. Only one minute’s drive from the town and you’re completely surrounded by the fluorescent green trees, picturesque farm lands with rolling hills and the river running through the surrounding properties.
Sitting down with Chris I soon learnt that he has grown up on this farm which was originally a 140 acre family owned dairy farm. Sally speaks of how Chris has always been full of life and a very active person. “He worked very hard to build our house and clear up and drain the property, I did help pass him some nails though”.
It was only 16 years ago when Chris was told by doctors that he had Parkinson’s disease. He didn’t believe it at first and it wasn’t until three different doctors confirmed the diagnoses that it hit him. He continued to push through and work for another nine years in his welding job until the pain caused from the illness meant he was unable to work anymore.
Chris realised that many of the tasks he found easy to do in the past on the farm were no longer so simple. The illness has limited his ability to move items around, clean out the drains, and walk very far. Rather than give up the farm Chris and Sally decided to purchase an all-purpose machine that would allow Chris to get the jobs done on the farm that he wasn’t able to do. “He didn’t want to let the illness stop him from doing what he loved to do” Sally said. “I can still play eight ball… just” Chris chuckles referring to the table in the middle of the lounge.
They purchased a Kubota L4600 tractor fitted with a loader and backhoe which helps him in moving items, clearing out drains, maintaining fences, loader work and he plans on putting in some potatoes further down the track. Chris loves how well the Kubota has been built. The steps both up to the tractor and the back hoe are helpful and the power steering makes work effortless. “It’s so easy to get on and off, and I don’t feel any aches or pains after being on it; it’s so smooth” Chris says.
After spending some time with Chris it is clear to see that he embodies the picture of a true Aussie with his positive attitude even though his situation is tough. He even manages to keep his great sense of humor with him.
This is why we do what we do at Tasmac; to be able to provide a product and a service that makes someone else’s life better. We are also hoping that we can make the lives better of the estimated 70,000 other Australians living with Parkinson’s disease through our small donation of $500 to Parkinson’s Australia to assist in the research to find a cure to this horrible illness.
For information on the Kubota L series
For more information on Parkinson’s Disease